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S.F. Trinity |
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Sediment: SF Trinity & Tributaries - Suspended Sediment Loads 2001-03 |
Caption: This chart shows suspended sediment load per watershed area vs. discharge per watershed area curves for streams in the South Fork Trinity River watershed. The data for these curves were collected by Graham Matthews and Associates during water years 2001 through 2003. Tule Creek has substantially lower sediment yields than the other sites. Hayfork Creek near Hayfork has somewhat greater transport rates that Hayfork Creek near Hyampom. Summit Creek and SF Trinity at Forest Glen have very similar sediment transport rates per unit discharge. Barker Creek at Stokely Ranch and Hayfork Creek near Hayfork have similar transport rates and are the highest of the six sites computed to date. Differences between the highest and lowest sediment transport rates per unit discharge of these six sites are greater than an order of magnitude for study watersheds in similar geologic terranes. Differences must be related to land use (GMA, 2003). Data were collected and provided by Graham Mathews and Associates. See Info Links for more information.
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sed_sf_trin_turb_ssc_gma_2001_2003.dbf (size 22,460 bytes)