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Scott River |
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Temperature: 1994 Average Daily Lower Scott and Canyon Creek |
Caption: Average daily temperatures at Steelhead Bridge on the Scott River exceeded 26 degrees C (78.8 F) in mid-July of 1994 while at Jones Beach they reached 24.5 degrees C (76 F). Both these readings exceed stressful for young salmon and steelhead. The Canyon Creek temperature was taken in a tributary draining the Marble Mountains. The Townsend Gulch station is a main stem Scott River temperature between Jones Beach and Steelhead Bridge that shows influence of cool tributaries such as Canyon and Kelsey Creeks. Cooling trends in late July through September may have been related to the 1994 Dillon Creek fire. Smoke and haze from the fire may have cut down sunlight and moderated air and water temperatures. Stress threshold reference from McCullough (1999). See Info Links for more information.
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