Area |
Mainstem Klamath |
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Fish: Iron Gate Steelhead 1970-2002 |
Caption: The graph above shows returns of steelhead to Iron Gate Hatchery from 1970 to 2002. Steelhead have declined to the point where the hatchery run is no longer viable, although returns increased in 2001 to 2002. Returns between 1991-1997 averaged 163 fish with only 12 steelhead returning in 1996. Scale studies showed that a substantial number of returning fish had not been to the ocean. The increase in resident life history of rainbow trout as opposed to anadromy may be in part owing to water quality problems in the mainstem Klamath River. For more information see Info Links or Kier Associates, 1999 in KRIS Bibliography and search on Iron Gate Hatchery steelhead.
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