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S Marin/Redwood Creek |
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WQ: Aluminum Concentrations in Redwood Creek 1994 & 1995 |
Caption: This graph shows one-time sampling measurements of aluminum in Redwood Creek at three stations during March 1994 and 1995. Data were collected by the University of San Francisco (USF) for the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. USF notes that it has been suggested by McKee and Wolf, 1963 that 0.07 mg/L is the upper limit of aluminum concentrations for the protection of fish and their ova. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) aluminum Freshwater Critical Maximum Concentration is 750 µg/L and the Critical Continuous Concentration is 87 µg/L (USEPA, 2002) based on total recoverable metal in the water column. See Picture for a map of the sampling sites and Info Links for more information.
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