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KRIS Redwood Creek: Picture Page
Area | Estuary |
Topic | Tour: Redwood Creek Estuary Historical Photos |
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The Redwood Creek estuary in 1905 formed a deep channel next to the rock where it spilled into the ocean. Wetlands in the foreground were formed by overflow from the estuary. Image courtesy of Redwood National Park.
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his photo shows hardy folks on a car tour in 1915, with the Redwood Creek estuary in the background. Image courtesy of Redwood National Park.
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Redwood Creek Estuary circa 1941. This is the estuary before it was filled with sediment from post WW II logging. Note the connection to Sand Cache Creek to the north. Image courtesy of Redwood National Park.
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The Redwood Creek estuary in 1948 is shown above in its historic channel before aggradation. Note the clear cut in upstream areas above the town of Orick. The snags of old conifers in fields adjacent to the estuary suggest clearing of the forest in the prior 50 years. Lack of bank vegetation makes the creek susceptible to flood damage and erosion. Image courtesy of Redwood National Park.
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In 1949 the Redwood Highway road bed was created by filling in wetlands adjacent to Redwood Creek. Image courtesy of Redwood National Park.
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Redwood Creek Estuary circa 1957. The estuary is showing major signs of filling after the 1955 flood, when compared with the 1948 photo (Picture #3). Image courtesy of Redwood National Park.
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Redwood Creek Estuary circa 1958. Image courtesy of Redwood National Park.
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Redwood Creek Estuary circa 1965. Click on the "pan" button above to use your mouse to move around the photo. Image courtesy of Redwood National Park. |