Area |
Middle Redwood |
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Timber Harvest: Silvicultural Prescriptions Lower Lacks Cr 1977-2000 |
Caption: The chart above shows the extent and type of silvicultural prescription in Lower Lacks Calwater between 1977 and 2000 according to the California Department of Forestry. Shelterwood removal, selection, non-THP, and clear-cut silvicultural prescriptions covered the largest area during this period. For links to more discussion on this topic, see Info Links. The four letter acronym for prescription are as follows:
CLCT = Clear-cut
SHSC = Shelterwood Seed Cut
SHRC = Shelterwood Remv. Cut
SHPC = Shelterwood Prep Cut
STSC = Seed Tree Seed Cut
STRC = Seed Tree Remv. Cut
SLCN = Selection
CMTH = Commercial Thin
SASV = Sanitation Salvage
REHB = Rehab of Understocked
ALPR = Alternative Prescrip.
TRAN = Transition
OUT = Not part of THP
NHRV = No Harvest Area
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