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Sediment: Streambed Elevation Change, Lower Redwood Creek |
Caption: This chart shows the change in mean streambed elevation in Lower Redwood Creek by year. Cross-sections (XS) are shown downstream to upstream, left to right. The change in mean streambed elevation is determined relative to the previous measure of mean streambed elevation at the same cross-section. For example, the first year shown, 1982, is relative to measurements taken in 1981. The data spans from 1982 to 2001. Between 1982 and 1988, scour can be seen at the upstream reaches in the Lower basin while downstream reached experienced aggradation. Scour is mainly observed in the most recent period (1994-2001). See Picture for a figure containing cross-section locations. These data are from Redwood National Park. See Info links for more information.
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xs_ec_rdwd_cross1.db (size 16,384 bytes) .
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Source Table web page. To download the table with the chart's source data, click
xs_ec_rdwd_source.dbf (size 15,810 bytes)