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Area |
Upper Noyo |
Topic |
Fish: CDFG Olds Creek 1967 Net Samples |
Caption: California Department of Fish and Game staff surveyed Olds Creek on August 8, 1966 and netted 250 coho salmon juveniles and 152 steelhead trout. No other fish species were captured. See InfoLinks for more on surveys and a link to report in Bibliography. The crew noted that stream bed aggradation caused the stream to flow sub-surface between pools and that coho were 1-3.5 inches long and steelhead 1-4 inches long and that fish were stressed as a result of lack of cover and pool depth and likely to be growing slowly. The crew also stated that: "Olds Creek is an extremely important spawning grounds for silver salmon and steelhead in the Noyo River system, the salmon being significantly more numerous than the steelhead." See InfoLinks for more information and for a link to the CDFG Stream Survey from which this data was taken.
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