The chart on this page can not be modified, as it can in the CD version of the KRIS database. Data can be downloaded (see bottom of page).
Area |
South Fork |
Topic |
Temperature: Coho Stress SF Noyo (site 12) 1996 |
Caption: The bar graph above shows the number of hours of the week during summer 1996 that the middle South Fork Noyo water temperatures (site 12) exceeded stressful levels for coho salmon, which is designated as 16 degrees Celsius in the KRIS Noyo project (see InfoLinks). The chart's x-axis denotes the week in which data was summarized (i.e. week 28 is the first week in July).
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sfn1296strss.dbf (size 984 bytes) .
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Source Table web page. To download the table with the chart's source data, click
sfnoyostrm_tmp.dbf (size 796,770 bytes)