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Area |
North Fork |
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Fish: CDFG North Fork Noyo 1967 Net Samples |
Caption: California Department of Fish and Game staff surveyed the North Fork Noyo River on September 29, 1967 and netted 112 coho salmon juveniles, 238 steelhead trout and three stickleback. While coho salmon juveniles were characterized as well proportioned, steelhead juveniles were characterized as being of variable fitness. CDFG stated that the North Fork Noyo "Provides the Noyo River system with summer and winter flow of good quality water and 3.63 miles of good spawning grounds and 5.75 miles of excellent nursery area for steelhead and silver salmon." Pools constituted an estimated 50% of habitats and substrates were: "Fine rubble 15%; coarse gravel 55%; fine gravel 30%." See InfoLinks for more information and for a link to the CDFG Stream Survey from which these data were taken.
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