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Lower Noyo/Basin-wide |
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Fish: Noyo Hatchery Coho Salmon Total Returns 1977-1999 |
Caption: The graph above shows annual returns of the total number of coho salmon, both adults and grilse, to the Noyo River Egg Collecting Station on the South Fork Noyo River. The low return in 1983 is likely linked to El Nino conditions in that year. The early 1990s returns were low because flows weren't sufficient for coho to reach the hatchery, according to hatchery reports. Increased returns since 1994 may be due in part to cessation of all coho harvest in the ocean. Coho populations are strongly influenced by upwelling. The poor ocean conditions in 1998, related to El Nino, probably influenced low returns in 1998 and 1999. Ten pairs of adults or 25 % of fish of each sex captured, whichever is lesser, are released upstream of the weir on the South Fork and allowed to spawn naturally. Data taken from annual Noyo River Egg Collecting Station reports. See InfoLinks for more information.
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