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KRIS Battle Creek: Chart Table Page
Area | Sacramento R. |
Topic | Fish: Fall Chinook Sacramento Escapement above Red Bluff 1952-2003 |
Caption: The Chart Table fish_upper_sac_1952_2003.dbf is derived from data provided by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Game. Column headers are MAINSTEM = mainstem fall chinook spawners in the Sacramento River, CNFF = fall chinook spawners returning to Coleman National Fish Hatchery, BATTLE_LOW = estimated fall chinook escapement in Battle Creek spawning naturally below Coleman Hatchery, OTHER TRIB = adult fall chinook salmon spawning in tributaries other than Battle Creek above Red Bluff.
50 rows of a possible 52 have been displayed.
1952 | 11000 | 7000 | 4000 | 0 | 22000 |
1953 | 12000 | 8000 | 4000 | 8300 | 32300 |
1954 | 8000 | 6000 | 4000 | 9000 | 27000 |
1955 | 10000 | 6000 | 16000 | 2800 | 34800 |
1956 | 7458 | 87357 | 13650 | 7850 | 116315 |
1957 | 3045 | 54989 | 2285 | 1568 | 61887 |
1958 | 14643 | 107153 | 14500 | 6030 | 142326 |
1959 | 10833 | 256700 | 19300 | 5820 | 292653 |
1960 | 9605 | 218940 | 14200 | 1960 | 244705 |
1961 | 8156 | 140181 | 11700 | 1500 | 161537 |
1962 | 4857 | 127837 | 8200 | 12900 | 153794 |
1963 | 5114 | 138881 | 12400 | 13500 | 169895 |
1964 | 3875 | 142584 | 12000 | 7000 | 165459 |
1965 | 3194 | 101876 | 6000 | 4785 | 115855 |
1966 | 900 | 111881 | 2400 | 12100 | 127281 |
1967 | 3050 | 82490 | 2160 | 1520 | 89220 |
1968 | 3526 | 98429 | 2950 | 17190 | 122095 |
1969 | 2626 | 115652 | 3200 | 13337 | 134815 |
1970 | 3512 | 65142 | 3320 | 5308 | 77282 |
1971 | 2004 | 53888 | 3285 | 0 | 59177 |
1972 | 2822 | 33958 | 2030 | 0 | 38810 |
1973 | 3835 | 41129 | 4300 | 0 | 49264 |
1974 | 1607 | 47019 | 2294 | 0 | 50920 |
1975 | 2431 | 53129 | 2426 | 0 | 57986 |
1976 | 2297 | 45753 | 3147 | 4333 | 55530 |
1977 | 5244 | 16176 | 5604 | 2874 | 29898 |
1978 | 1882 | 32235 | 1770 | 1180 | 37067 |
1979 | 8729 | 47758 | 4430 | 0 | 60917 |
1980 | 9503 | 21961 | 4940 | 0 | 36404 |
1981 | 10272 | 29212 | 6933 | 6489 | 52906 |
1982 | 19525 | 17966 | 7270 | 1515 | 46276 |
1983 | 8756 | 26226 | 5227 | 1100 | 41309 |
1984 | 21581 | 36965 | 8312 | 4840 | 71698 |
1985 | 16320 | 52120 | 12792 | 11396 | 92628 |
1986 | 12481 | 68821 | 11508 | 7263 | 100073 |
1987 | 16256 | 76562 | 5868 | 2125 | 100811 |
1988 | 13615 | 63998 | 51923 | 6390 | 135926 |
1989 | 11986 | 48968 | 18829 | 2386 | 82169 |
1990 | 14635 | 32109 | 6453 | 1011 | 54208 |
1991 | 10683 | 20523 | 6558 | 2702 | 40466 |
1992 | 7275 | 23914 | 5433 | 2185 | 38807 |
1993 | 7587 | 33471 | 11029 | 1246 | 53333 |
1994 | 18991 | 44729 | 24274 | 2546 | 90540 |
1995 | 26677 | 53385 | 56515 | 9298 | 145875 |
1996 | 21178 | 71725 | 52409 | 5922 | 151234 |
1997 | 50670 | 98765 | 50744 | 8569 | 208748 |
1998 | 44351 | 5718 | 53957 | 4259 | 108285 |
1999 | 26970 | 133365 | 92929 | 8003 | 261267 |
2000 | 21659 | 87793 | 53447 | 6687 | 169586 |
2001 | 24698 | 20000 | 100604 | 10865 | 156167 | |