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KRIS Battle Creek: Picture Page
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Topic | Tour: RCD Photos of Conservancy Concerns |
Battle Creek Bottom Road looking east with Klamath weed spreading along the road side. Roads provide ideal corridors for the spread of exotic species and noxious weeds. Klamath weed creates significant problems for cattle ranchers because it causes livestock to become ill. Photo courtesy of Laurie Aumack, Shasta County RCD.
This photograph was taken off Manton Road at Wildcat Road looking down the canal. Note the Scotch broom in the background of the photo adjacent to the canal. Canals like roads can provide dispersal corridors for the spread of noxious plant species. Photo courtesy of Laurie Aumack, Shasta County RCD.
Early successional conditions after fires can help plants like Klamath weed to get started. Photo taken along Manton Road near the southern extent of the watershed. Photo courtesy of Laurie Aumack, Shasta County RCD.
This photo also shows Klamath weed near a roadway. Photo courtesy of Laurie Aumack, Shasta County RCD.
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