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Ukiah |
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Flow: EF Russian R nr Ukiah, CA - Annual Peaks 1912-1913 and 1952-2001 |
Caption: This chart displays annual peak discharge in the East Fork Russian River near Ukiah, CA (US Geological Survey gauging station #11462000) for the water years 1912 to 1913 and 1952 through 2001. All peak flows shown are influenced by the Potter Valley Project diversion. Peak flows during and after 1958 are influenced by the Coyote Dam. The maximum observed peak was 13300 cfs in December 21, 1955 and the minimum only reached 227 cfs in August 1, 1977. See InfoLinks for more Information.
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flow_yrpeak_usgs11462000_russian_1912_2001.dbf (size 1,998 bytes) .