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Sediment: D50 from Cross-Sections at Redwood Creek at Gauging Stations |
Caption: Median streambed particle size (d50) is shown for cross sections at Redwood Creek gauging stations. Data suggest that d50 levels in the watershed are changing differently at different locations. XS 13 shows a coarsening trend since the early 1980s, but is still far below the minimum TMDL target value of 37-mm, XS 20 shows a recent coarsening after relative stability while XS 32 shows a steady coarsening followed by a recent fining. XS 40 has generally exhibited a fining of the bed over time. The target of >37-mm was set by EPA (1998) to describe a median particle sizes that should exist for optimal salmonid habitat conditions. The mean particle size for this data set is at 22mm, far below the minimum target. An overall in particle size is indicative of an overall increase in total sediment load. See Info Links for more information.
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