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Area |
Lower Noyo/Basin-wide |
Topic |
Sediment: Matthews Road Sediment Yield Noyo Basin Wide 1942-1998 |
Caption: The Chart above shows the estimated amount of sediment coming from roads in the Noyo River Basin in tons per square mile per year for various study periods. Data from analysis by Mattews (1999): "The method used to estimate sediment production from roads is based on characterization of road use (application of a use function) and then calculation of road sediment production by such use (application of a yield function)..... The analysis indicates that sediment production from roads has increased significantly over the study period, obviously tracking cumulative road construction.....Existing conditions are estimated to produce an overall average yield of 183 tons/mi2/yr, which is estimated to be an almost 8-fold increase over 1942 rates."
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