Area |
North Fork |
Topic |
Sediment: Fines <0.85mm in NF Navarro Sub-basin 1999 |
Caption: The chart shows cumulative percent fines less than 0.85mm from dry-sieved McNeil samples taken at pool-tailouts in streams in the North Fork Navarro River sub-basin in 1999. The reference shown is a conversion from wet samples to dry samples according to Shirazi and Seim (1979), where the 14% Navarro TMDL threshold is adjusted to 10.3%. Data provided by Mendocino Redwood Company. See Info Links for more information. J Smith C = John Smith Creek, LNF Navar = Little North Fork Navarro River, LowSB Nav = Lower South Branch of the North Fork Navarro River, and NB Navarr = North Branch of the North Fork Navarro River.
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