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Temperature: FWA at Ray Gulch (82-28), Mustard Glch (82-22) 2001 |
Caption: The chart shows the floating weekly average water temperature in Celsius (°C) at two gulches in the Lower Navarro River Calwater Planning Watershed for the year 2001: Ray Gulch (site 82-28) and Mustard Gulch (site 82-22). Maximum floating weekly average water temperatures did not exceed 16.8°C at either site in 2001. Welsh et al. (2001) found that coho are not likely to persist where maximum floating weekly average temperature (MWAT) exceeds 16.8°C. See Info Links for more information. Temperature data comes from automated water temperature data probes placed by the Mendocino Redwood Company.
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temp_nav_mrc_dailyavg.db (size 354,304 bytes) .
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navarro_temps.dbf (size 9,243,343 bytes)