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KRIS Navarro : Chart Source Table Page

Area Elk Creek
Topic Sediment: Fines <0.85mm in the Elk Creek Sub-basin 1999

Caption:  The source table mcneil_elk_mrc99.dbf shows the raw data for Elk Creek McNeil gravel samples collected by Mendocino Redwood Company in 1999, as well as calculations and analyses. PGT50_8MM = percent greater than 50.8mm (values shown divided by 100%), PLT50_8MM = percent less than 50.8mm, PLT25_4MM = percent less than 25.4mm, PLT12_5MM = percent less than 12.5mm, PLT6_3MM = percent less than 6.3mm, PLT4_75MM = percent less than 4.75mm, PLT2_36MM = percent less than 2.36mm, PLT0_85MM = percent less than 0.85mm, GEO_MEAN = Geometric Mean (Dg), D75_D25SC = D75/D25 (Sc), FRED_INDEX = Fredle Index (Dg/Sc), TB_INDEX = TB Index, PERM_CM_HR = Permeability (centimeter per hour), LOG_PERM = Log Permeability, 50_8MMLBS = Weight in pounds trapped by 50.8mm sieve, 25_4MMLBS = Weight in pounds trapped by 25.4mm sieve, 12_5MMLBS = Weight in pounds trapped by 12.5mm sieve, 6_3MMLBS = Weight in pounds trapped by 6.3mm sieve, 4_75MMLBS = Weight in pounds trapped by 4.75mm sieve, 2_36MMLBS = Weight in pounds trapped by 2.36mm sieve, 0_85MMLBS = Weight in pounds trapped by 0.85mm sieve, LT_85MMLBS = Weight in pounds passing through 0.85mm sieve.

 50 rows of a possible 192 have been displayed.
elkelk2May, 199910.820.710.610.50.450.320.1328.2170.50.11.931.70.12422053.3415.
elkelk3May, 199910.70.510.350.
elkelk4May, 199910.830.670.520.390.350.20.082719.
elksfelk2May, 199910.740.590.460.320.280.180.0635.426.81.90.7514.30.47641213.6219.310.
elksfelk5May, 199910.970.790.530.340.290.20.0916.
elksfelk7May, 199910.620.450.330.

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