Key to column headings for the Source Table
pesticide_nav_dpr_2001_source.dbf |
KRIS staff excerpted this key from the California Department of
Pesticide Regulation's users guide to the California Pesticide Use Reporting
Database |
Name |
Description |
Notes |
USE_NO -- Use Number |
assigned sequential number to uniquely identify a pesticide product use
record within a year. |
this number to identify all chemical records associated with a single
application of a product. |
CHEM_CODE -- Chemical Code |
the active ingredient (AI) contained in the applied product. The CHEM_CODE is
sequentially assigned for each new active ingredient during the registration
process. |
to each use_data_chemical record based on the reported California
Registration Number (comprised of the MFG_FIRMNO + LABEL_SEQ_NO + REVISION_NO
+ REG_FIRMNO, i.e. PRODNO in the label database). Applications are reported
by product, therefore a separate use_data_chemical record is created for each
AI contained in the applied product.
CHEM_CODE -- Chemical Code |
the active ingredient (AI) contained in the applied product. The CHEM_CODE is
sequentially assigned for each new active ingredient during the registration
process. |
to each use_data_chemical record based on the reported California
Registration Number (comprised of the MFG_FIRMNO + LABEL_SEQ_NO + REVISION_NO
+ REG_FIRMNO, i.e. PRODNO in the label database). Applications are reported
by product, therefore a separate use_data_chemical record is created for each
AI contained in the applied product.
PRODCHEM_PCT -- Product Chemical Percent |
percentage of active ingredient found in the product as shown on the product
label. This value is extracted from the label database PROD_CHEM table. |
LBS_CHM_USED -- Pounds Chemical Used |
of the active ingredient (AI) in the applied product. The specific AI is
identified in the CHEM_CODE field.
value is calculated based on the pounds of product used times the percent AI
in the product. (LBS_CHM_USED = LBS_PRD_USED x PRODCHEM_PCT/100) Products
with liquid formulations are first converted to pounds of product used and
then to pounds of AI used. (See field sequence 6.) Pounds of chemical used is
used to calculate the total pounds of AI in the annual Summary of Pesticide
Use |
LBS_PRD_USED -- Pounds Product Used |
of product applied. The pounds of product applied can include products
applied to soil, commodities, etc.
product applied for each application is calculated based on the product's
formulation (liquid or dry), specific gravity (if applicable), amount of
product reported used (AMT_PRD_USED), and unit of measure (UNIT_OF_MEAS).
This field is used to derive pounds chemical used as stated in the field
sequence 5. |
AMT_PRD_USED -- Amount Product Used |
of product reported used. This value is converted to pounds of product used
(LBS_PRD_USED) during the data loading process. |
UNIT_OF_MEAS (field sequence number 8) for related units. |
UNIT_OF_MEAS -- Unit of Measure |
to the unit of measure in conjunction with the reported AMT_PRD_USED field
(field sequence no. 7). It is used to convert units applied to the common
unit of pounds. |
are: OZ ounces LB pounds PT pints QT quarts GA gallons ML milliliters LI
liters GR grams KG kilograms with
the product’s formulation type (liquid or dry). |
ACRE_PLANTED -- Acres Planted |
of field, or other unit (e.g. number of tree trunks), which was planted with
an agricultural commodity. |
UNIT_PLANTED (field sequence no. 10) for related units. For example, if the
application occurred on a planted field of 100 acres, then ACRE_PLANTED =
100, and UNIT_PLANTED = A. When an application is reported in units of square
feet, it is converted to acres for internal validation processes. This field
cannot be used to calculate agricultural statistics such as the total amount
(acres) planted of a particular commodity because there could be multiple
applications to the same field (site ID) and commodity (site) combination
during a year. Acres planted on the same site_id may change during a year due
to multiple plantings. |
UNIT_PLANTED -- Unit Type (Planted) |
Refers to the type of units planted in conjunction with the
reported ACRE_PLANTED field. Codes are: A acres S square feet C cubic feet K thousand cubic feet U Misc.
Examples of misc. units include: bins, tree holes, bunches, pallets, etc.
Prior to 7/95, validation for nursery codes (151 - 156) was not performed. |
ACRE_TREATED -- Acres Treated |
of units upon which a pesticide product was applied. The name of this field
is misleading since the value in this field does not necessarily represent
acreage. See UNIT_TREATED field (field sequence no. 12) for related units. |
For example, an application to 100 chicken houses would be
reported as ACRE_TREATED = 100, with UNIT_TREATED = U (miscellaneous). If the
application occurred on a planted field of 100 acres, then ACRE_TREATED =
100, and UNIT_TREATED = A. If the application occurred on only 50 acres of a
100-acre field, then ACRE_TREATED = 50. Applications reported in square feet
are converted to acres for internal validation process. The location of
actual ground areas receiving the application within a field cannot be distinguished.
For example: two 50-acre applications within a 100-acre field may have
occurred twice on the same ground, or may represent single applications to
two distinct 50 acre subdivisions. |
UNIT_TREATED -- Unit Type (Treated) |
to the type of units treated in conjunction with the reported ACRE_TREATED
field. |
values are: A acres S square feet C cubic feet K thousand cubic feet) P
pounds T tons U misc. unit (Examples of misc. units (U) include: bins, tree
holes, bunches, pallets, etc.) Prior to 7/95, validation was performed only
for site codes equal to or greater than 1000. |
APPLIC_CNT -- Application Count |
number of applications for each product used by an operator performed during
the reporting month as noted on a non-production monthly summary report. |
production agriculture applications, the system inserts a one. For
non-production applications, the application count may or may not be
reported. |
APPLIC_DT -- Application Date |
that the pesticide product was applied. |
application date used for a non-production summary records (RECORD_ID = '2'
or 'C') does not reflect the actual date of application. (DD = 01 except for
CalTrans records where DD = 28)
report data is loaded and verified), and the year must be consistent
with current use reporting year. Must be a valid date. |
APPLIC_TIME -- Application Time |
that the pesticide product application was completed. |
application time is military format and is only included on production
agricultural reports, record types A, B, 1, and 4 This field was added to the
database in 1999 but was inconsistently downloaded until 2000. Required for record types A, B, 1, and
4. |
COUNTY_CD -- County Code |
code established by numbering an alphabetized list of California's 58
counties. For example, '01' = Alameda; '58' = Yuba. |
“County” table on CD-ROM and “County Code Reference List” in Chapter 2. |
BASE_LN_MER -- Base Line & Meridian |
Lands Survey (PLS) System Base Line & Meridian for the application
location. Often referred to as the 'Meridian'. |
Base Line and Meridian establish a point of reference for determining
locations using the PLS system. There are three Base/Meridians in California.
Combination of the county, meridian, township, range and section fields
identifies a unique location within the PLS. |
TOWNSHIP -- Township Number |
of the township in the Public Land Survey System where the application
occurred. Must be combined with BASE_LN_MER and TSHIP_DIR to determine the
unique township. |
township will not appear, or will be '00' on use reports where location
information is not required (e.g. structural, landscape. etc). Each meridian,
township, and range combination on a use report must fall within the reported
county. |
TSHIP_DIR -- Township Direction |
Land Survey System direction from a base line. Townships are numbered to the
north and south from an east/west-running base line. |
RANGE -- Range |
of the range within the Public Land Survey System where the application
occurred. Must be combined with BASE_LN_MER and RANGE_DIR to determine the
unique range. |
range will not appear, or will be '00' on use reports where location
information is not required (e.g. structural, landscape. etc). Each meridian,
township, and range combination on a use report must fall within the reported
county. |
RANGE_DIR -- Range Direction |
Land Survey System direction for the range where an application was reported.
Ranges are numbered to the east and west from a north/south-running base
meridian. |
SECTION -- Section |
area of approximately one square mile (640 acres) within the Public Land
Survey System where the pesticide application occurred. Each township may be
divided into a maximum of 36 sections. Must be used in combination with
meridian, township, and range to identify the unique section. |
SITE_LOC_ID -- Site Location ID |
known as Site ID. A code assigned by the County Agricultural Commissioner
(CAC) on the use permit which indicates a particular location (field) where
an application may occur. |
was designed to uniquely identify geographic field locations, but is
currently assigned at the discretion of individual CACs and growers. |
GROWER_ID -- Grower Identification Number |
assigned to a grower or property operator by the County Agricultural
Commissioner. Also known as the permit number, or operator identification
number. |
The number is composed of: reporting county_cd two digits
representing the county where the pesticide application occurred. application
year the last two digits of the year when the application occurred home
county_cd two digits representing the county where the owner/operator resides
“permit” number an arbitrary five-digit number assigned to the owner/operator
The last seven digits of the grower_id may be used to identify individual
owner/operator. DPR does not collect names and addresses; that information is
only available from the County Agricultural Commissioner. The GROWER_ID +
SITE_LOC_ID may identify a unique agricultural parcel or field. |
LICENSE_NO -- License Number |
PCO license number. |
field was added to the database in 1999 but was inconsistently downloaded
until 2000. |
PLANTING_SEQ -- Planting Sequence |
to indicate multiple plantings of the same crop or commodity at the same
SITE_LOC_ID (site location identification). Not uniformly used; not
validated. |
AER_GND_IND -- Aerial/Ground Indicator |
known as the Air/Ground Application Flag, or Method of Application. Indicates
whether the product was applied by air, ground, or other equipment. A
Aerially applied G Ground (ground-based equipment) applied O Other
application methods |
application methods (O) may include: paint, ear tag, dip, injection,
chemigation, etc. |
SITE_CODE -- Site Code |
code from a list established by USEPA and modified for use by DPR. Indicates
the target site to which a pesticide product was applied. Also known as
Commodity Code. |
code does not refer to the spatial location of a pesticide application (e.g.
a field). |
QUALIFY_CD -- Qualifier Code |
qualifier code modifies or limits the meaning of the site code upon which the
product was applied. Example: '04' indicates 'grown for seed'. |
counties use this code to keep more detailed records of crop types or
varieties, but it is not a required field. See qualify table for codes and
descriptions. |
BATCH_NO -- Batch Number |
number assigned to a file during the download process. This field is useful
during trouble shooting and error correction investigations. |
as part of inventory control for manual key data entry, or for transmitting
data from counties to DPR. This field is not included in the 1990 PUR
database. The number is not unique.
DOCUMENT_NO -- Document Number |
sequential tracking number (non-unique) assigned at the time of data entry.
Within DPR, the document number refers to a physical piece of paper within a
batch of use reports. |
field is part of a document and line item identifier for physical inventory
control. For the internal DPR data entry process, it is combined with process
month, batch number and document sequence number (a.k.a. summary code) to
uniquely identify an input record. May be used differently by individual
counties for their own internal tracking systems. |
SUMMARY_CD -- Summary Code |
line number found within the document for most record types. Indicates how
many “lines” (records) are contained on a hard copy use report. For files
with over 9,999 records, the far right digit is dropped. (The original
database structure was set up for lines per report, not lines per file.) |
For internal use
only. |
RECORD_ID -- Record Identification Number |
the agency that input a use record, and whether the record is for an
individual application or is summarized data. Input agencies are DPR, county
agricultural commissioner’s (CAC) office, and Prison Industries Authority
(PIA). |
for record type and input agency are: Record Type DPR CAC PIA Daily
Production Ag 1 A E Monthly Production Ag 4 B F Non-production Summary 2 C
G |
SITE_NAME -- Site Name |
the name of the site (i.e. strawberries, wine grapes, tomatoes, etc.). Also
known as commodity name. |
Field Name PRODUCT_NAME -- Product Name |
name of the product taken from the registered product label. May be modified
by DPR's Registration Branch to ensure uniqueness. |