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Fish: Steelhead Juvenile Density Hayfork (3) Below Corral (Dive) 1994 |
Caption: Steelhead juvenile densities in Hayfork Creek below Corral Creek were the highest of any in the reaches measured (scroll down for a key to habitat type numbers). Low density of steelhead in main channel pools may have been skewed because of redistribution of fish related to river otter predation. Click on Info Links for more information. Habitat types are as follows: 2 = high gradient riffle, 3 = cascade,, 9 = plunge pool, 15 = run, 16 = step run, 17 = main channel pool, 20 = boulder formed pool, 21 = pocket water. Data from Higgins (1995).
High Gradient Riffle = 2, Cascade = 3, Plunge Pool = 9, Run = 15, Step Run = 16,
Main Channel Pool = 17, Pocket Water = 20
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