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S.F. Trinity |
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Fish: Steelhead Juvenile Density All Reaches Lower Hayfork (Dive) 1994 |
Caption: The graph above shows the relative densities of juvenile steelhead by habitat type in all reaches of lower Hayfork Creek combined. Data were collected using observation techniques similar to Hankin and Reeves (1988) and habitat types described by McCain et al.(1990). Scroll down for habitat types. Young of the year steelhead show preferences for riffle habitats while two year old fish were more numerous in slow water environments such as pools and runs. Substantial differences in use of quite water environments by juvenile salmonids was exhibited in different reaches surveyed (see previous Charts). Some steelhead 2+ may actually be resident rainbow trout but determining that would take further study. Habitat types are as follows: 1= low gradient riffle, 2 = high gradient riffle, 3 = cascade,
8 = trench pool, 9 = plunge pool, 14 = glide, 15 = run, 16 = step run, 17 = main channel pool, 20 = boulder formed pool, 21 = pocket water.
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