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S.F. Trinity |
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Temperature: Maximum Hayfork (Lower) and Tribs 1991 |
Caption: While maximum daily water temperatures in tributaries remained below stress thresholds for salmonids (<68 F = 20 C), the mainstem of Hayfork Creek chronically exceeded stressful from the end of June to mid-September in 1991. Hayfork warms naturally as a result of the orientation of its gorge and cold-water tributaries draining roadless areas such as Miner and Bear Creek provide vital refugia and cold-water areas below their convergence with Hayfork Creek (see Higgins, 1995a in KRIS Bibliography). The U.S. Forest Service collected data and provided it for use in KRIS. Note that lower Olsen Creek is warmer than upper Olsen. Coots (1952) identified coho in Olson Creek as well as Butter and Eltapom Creeks. This may be in part owing to fires that burned in the Olsen Creek watershed in 1987. See Picture for a map of gauge locations.
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