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Shasta |
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Fish: Shasta Downstream Juvenile Chinook Migrants by Week 2001-2002 |
Caption: The California Department of Fish and Game -RAMP program operated a downstream migrant rotary screw trap in the Shasta River from 2000 to 2002. Trap efficiencies were calibrated and this chart shows the total estimate of Chinook salmon that passed the Shasta trap when it was operating. The trap was open six days a week from February through June in 2001, but estimates only go to about May 1 (Week 20) because Chinook had discontinued migrating due to low flows. The estimates span to early June in 2002, when flows were higher. Some weeks have no estimates because traps were down, usually due to high flows. Migration timing is more spread out in 2002 with higher flows, whereas most Chinook left early in response to drought conditions in 2001. Data provided by the California Department of Fish and Game. See Info Links for more information and a link to CDFG (2001, 2002) S-RAMP reports.
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