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Shasta |
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Fish: Adult Chinook Population 1930-2002 |
Caption: The chart above is based on data collected by the California Department of Fish and Game at the Shasta Racks from 1930 to 2002. Grilse are precocious adult Chinook salmon males that have spent only one year in the ocean. Long-term escapement trends of Chinook salmon on the Shasta River show a decline from 80,000 fish to fewer than 700 from 1990-1992 but with a rebound from 1993-1995. After dropping for 1996-1999, they increased again in 2000-2002. The Shasta River has the only long-term dataset for spawning escapement in the Klamath basin. Low escapements in the late 1940's and early 1950's may actually result in part from less counting effort (click on Info Links).
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