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Middle Trinity |
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Fish: Redds Steelhead by Reach Middle Trinity Survey 2001-02 |
Caption: This chart shows the number of redds by reach per kilometer for steelhead for tributaries to the middle Trinity River for the 2001-2002 spawning season. The data are from the California Department of Fish and Game Spawning surveys for winter-run steelhead conducted on tributaries of the Trinity River from March 1 through June 27, 2002. Steelhead run size is highly variable from year to year, but the data gathered over the last 40 years in the Trinity basin shows the general trend that steelhead run sizes and natural production are diminishing (SRAMP, 2002). Click on Info Links for more information.
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fish_steelhead_sf_mid_trin_01_02.dbf (size 1,206 bytes)