Area |
Middle Trinity |
Topic |
Temperature: MWAT at Many Middle Trinity Sites, by Year 1991-1998 |
Caption: This Chart shows maximum floating weekly average temperature (MWAT) for each site in the Middle Trinity sub-basin with available data in the years 1991-1998. Sites are grouped by stream and are listed in upstream order. MWATs in upper Little Creek and middle Reading Creek increased 5°C between 1996 and 1997, potentially reflecting changes in width to depth ratios caused by debris torrents in the January 1997 storm. Based on a review of steelhead growth studies, Sullivan et al. (2000) found that compared to optimum temperatures, an MWAT of 17.0°C reduced steelhead growth by 10%, and an MWAT of 19.0°C reduced growth by 20%. See Info Links for more information. Data were provided by the Institute for Forest and Watershed Management at Humboldt State University, which compiled a regional database from many sources.
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