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Middle Trinity |
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Sediment: Upper Middle Trinity - Sediment Inputs Percent 1981-2000 |
Caption: This chart displays the relative proportions of total sediment inputs summarized by management and non-management sources for sub-watersheds within the Upper Middle Trinity Planning Watershed between 1981-2000. Management related erosion sources consist of mass wasting (landslides), fluvial, and surface erosion processes that are related to timber harvest, roads, and mining activities. Non-Management related erosion sources include landslides from forested areas, bank erosion, and soil creep. Management related sources exceed non-management sources in all sub-watersheds except Deadwood Creek, Rush Creek, and Weaver Creek. These sub-watersheds are dominated by non-management; however, management and legacy management sources contribute significant volumes of sediment. The non-management erosion yield does not necessarily represent long-term background rates due to yearly variations in the degree of wetness. A detailed breakdown of sediment source components is available in the Chart and Source tables. Data are from Graham Matthews and Associates Trinity River Sediment Source Analysis (2001). See Info Links for methods and other background information.
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