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Mainstem Trinity |
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Sediment: Gravel Source Cumulative Particle Size 2002 |
Caption: This chart shows cumulative particle size distributions of aggregate at potential coarse sediment aggregate borrow sites. The sampling sites were located on the Indian Creek delta (RM 95.3), Rush Creek delta (RM 107.6), and at a large stockpile of dredge tailings at the Jim Smith site (RM 78.4). The Indian Creek and Rush Creek samples were collected in the deltas to represent the particle size distribution of sediment contributed by those streams to the Trinity River, which are to be used in the USBR sediment transport and routing modeling effort. The sample collected at the Jim Smith site is intended to represent the particle size distribution of dredge tailings assuming that tailings would be used for the long-term coarse sediment source. The usable portion of dredge tailings is estimated to be 74.8% by volume (McBain & Trush, Inc, 2003). Data were collected by McBain and Trush and the USBR. See Info Links for more information.
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