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Mainstem Trinity |
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Flow: Trinity 1915,1923,1965,1995 |
Caption: The USGS flow records displayed above show flows of the Trinity River at Lewiston before and after the construction of dams on the Trinity River. The 1915 water year is representative of a typical high flow year prior to the dam with two large flood peaks of just under 20,000 cfs in winter and several 10,000 cfs peaks in spring. The 1923 water year was very dry with no flows of over 5,000 cfs. Post dam flows with no flood peaks are represented by the 1965 water year. In 1995 large consecutive winter storms lead to dam releases of over 6,000 cfs in March. The later peaks in April and May of 1995 were as a result of releases for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service flow study. Data provided by the U.S. Geologic Survey.
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