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Mainstem Klamath |
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Temperature: Floating Weekly Average Klamath Below Seiad 2002 |
Caption: This chart shows the floating weekly average water temperature of the Klamath River at Seiad Valley, the Big Bar trap site, and at Weitchpec from May to November in 2002. Floating weekly average temperatures at Big Bar and Weitchpec were lower than Seiad Valley from May until late-July but were warmer than Seiad Valley for about a month (late July to late August). Data are from the US Fish and Wildlife Service. See Info Links for more information.
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temp_klam_trin_usfws_2001_2003_daily_fwa.db (size 565,248 bytes) .
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tempraw_klam_trin_usfws_2001_2003.db (size 9,275,392 bytes)