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Mainstem Klamath |
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PH: Klamath Basin Maximum at 18 Sites 1996 |
Caption: The pH is a measure of acid base conditions in water with neutral being a value of 7 with lower values representing acid conditions and higher values basic or alkaline conditions. The data represent hand held measurements as part of the 304B water quality program. The pH at all 18 Klamath Basin locations (see key below) exceeded 8 which is slightly basic. The highest readings were in the Tule Basin, however, a reading of 9.5 was recorded for the Klamath River above the Scott. Bodies of water with significant algae blooms may show major increases in pH as a function of photosynthesis (see Upper Klamath/NCRWQCB pH results). Data from the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board.
Site Key:
TLP3=Tule Lake Pump 3 (in)
TLPD=Tule Lake Pump D (out)
JCBORD=J Canal at stateline
LRBORD=Lost River at stateline
KSD=Klamath Straits Drain at stateline
KRBORD= Klamath River upstream of Shovel Creek
COPCO2 = Copco Dam outflow
IGRO=Iron Gate Dam outflow
KRUSCOTCR = Klamath River upstream of Cottonwood Creek
KRDSSHR= Klamath River downstream of Shasta River
SHRA12=Shasta River at A-12
SHRMGR=Shasta River at Montague Grenada Road
SHRHWY5=Shasta River downstream of Hwy 5
SHRM=Shasta River at mouth
KRDSBVCR= Klamath River downstream of Beaver Creek
KRDSSCTR = Klamath River downstream of Scott River
KRDSELKCR = Klamath River downstream of Elk Creek
KRDSIKESF = Klamath River at Ikes Falls
KRWEITCH=Klamath River at Weitchpec
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