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Mainstem Klamath |
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Fish: Downstream Migrant Juv. Coho Klamath @ Big Bar 1991-2000 |
Caption: This chart shows the number of juvenile coho salmon estimated to have passed the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service downstream migrant trap at Big Bar in the years 1991 to 2000. Because trap efficiencies have been calibrated, annual estimates of the number of juvenile fish passing the trap can be calculated. The number of downstream migrant coho is three orders of magnitude smaller than that of Chinook juveniles, which sometimes number in the millions. Counts indicate that hatchery coho often comprise the majority of downstream migrants, however, inconsistent marking has made it impossible to make hatchery/wild determinations in some years and ,therefore, these two groups are not broken out on this chart. See the Source Table for comprehensive downstream migrant trapping records from 1993 to 2000. See Info Links for more information.
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coho1991_2002.dbf (size 1,088 bytes) .
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fish_usfws_klam_ds_trap.db (size 8,241,152 bytes)