Area |
Mainstem Klamath |
Topic |
Conductivity: Klamath Basin All Sites on Five Dates 1996 |
Caption: The Chart above shows conductivity at various locations (key listed below) on different dates within the Klamath Basin in 1996. The maximum conductivity threshold shown is a North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board standard. The highest conductivity readings were at stations in the Tule Basin and at the Klamath Straights Drain. See "Tour: Water Quality Sites on the Klamath" for photos of some locations.
Site Key:
TLP3=Tule Lake Pump 3 (in)
TLPD=Tule Lake Pump D (out)
JCBORD=J Canal at stateline
LRBORD=Lost River at stateline
KSD=Klamath Straits Drain at stateline
KRBORD= Klamath River upstream of Shovel Creek
COPCO2 = Copco Dam outflow
IGRO=Iron Gate Dam outflow
KRUSCOTCR = Klamath River upstream of Cottonwood Creek
KRDSSHR= Klamath River downstream of Shasta River
SHRA12=Shasta River at A-12
SHRMGR=Shasta River at Montague Grenada Road
SHRHWY5=Shasta River downstream of Hwy 5
SHRM=Shasta River at mouth
KRDSBVCR= Klamath River downstream of Beaver Creek
KRDSSCTR = Klamath River downstream of Scott River
KRDSELKCR = Klamath River downstream of Elk Creek
KRDSIKESF = Klamath River at Ikes Falls
KRWEITCH=Klamath River at Weitchpec
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