Area |
Middle Klamath |
Topic |
Flow: Minimum Flows of 50-150 sq.mi. Mid-Klamath Tributaries 1996-2002 |
Caption: This chart shows minimum measured streamflow measurements of Middle Klamath tributaries with catchment areas between 64 and 138 square miles. Streamflow measurements were taken on varying dates from June through November between 1996 and 2002. See the Source Table for details on measurement dates and locations. Data are from the Klamath and Six Rivers National Forest and the Karuk Tribe. See Info Links for more information.
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Chart Table web page.
To download the table with the chart's data, click
flow_mid_klam_tribs_karuk_50sqmi_up.db (size 4,096 bytes) .
To view the table with the chart's source data, click
Source Table web page. To download the table with the chart's source data, click
flow_mid_klam_tribs_karuk.dbf (size 28,200 bytes)