Area |
Lower Trinity/Basin-wide |
Topic |
Wildfire: Historical Wildfires - Lower Trinity 1910-2000 |
Caption: This chart shows the total area (acres) burned in wildfires by decade in each sub-watershed within the Lower Trinity Planning Watershed. The different colored bars represent the acres burned per decade, while the total length of the bars show the total area burned during the period of 1910 to 2000. Wildfire in the 1990's burned more area in most sub-watersheds than any other decade. See Info Links for more information.
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fire_acres_lowertrinity_gma_1910_2000.dbf (size 2,094 bytes) .
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Source Table web page. To download the table with the chart's source data, click
fire_acres_trinity_gma_1910_2000.dbf (size 11,732 bytes)