Area |
Lower Trinity/Basin-wide |
Topic |
Temperature: MWAT at Many Lower Trinity Sites, by Year 1990-1998 |
Caption: This Chart shows maximum floating weekly average temperature (MWAT) for each site in the Middle Trinity sub-basin with available data in the years 1993-1998. Sites are grouped by stream and are listed in upstream order within each stream. MWATs in Horse Linto, Willow, Campbell, and Coon creeks were all within the optimal range for steelhead, except for lower Willow Creek. The reference thresholds are based on a review of steelhead growth studies by Sullivan et al. (2000). They found that an MWAT of 17.0°C reduced steelhead growth by 10%, and an MWAT of 19.0°C reduced growth by 20%. See Info Links for more information. Data were provided by the Institute for Forest and Watershed Management at Humboldt State University, which compiled a regional database from many sources.
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