Area |
Lower Trinity/Basin-wide |
Topic |
Sediment: V* Horse Linto Creek 1992-2000 |
Caption: This chart shows the mean V* values for pools in Horse Linto Creek between 1992 and 2000. V* is the measure of the pool volume fraction that is filled by fine sediments. The chart indicates that levels of fine sediments in pools have slightly decreased overtime since 1992. V* references shown are typical target levels set by U.S.EPA (1999) TMDL for the SF Trinity, which state that the V* target should be 21% for Franciscan geology and less than 10% for other geologic formations. The year 2000 results show no noticeable increase in sediment being triggered by widespread wildfire in the Horse Linto Basin in 1998. These data were collected by the USFS Redwood Sciences Laboratory in Arcata, CA. See Info Links for more information.
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sed_vstar_source_usfsrsl.dbf (size 11,881 bytes)