Area |
Lower Trinity/Basin-wide |
Topic |
Fish: Supply Cr Downstream Trap Results 1995 |
Caption: The chart above shows the raw catch downstream migrant trap results for Supply Creek for the spring and summer of 1995. Although a few trapping days occurred in February and March, regular trapping could not be carried out in 1993 until early April and flows remained high into July. Despite 78 days of trapping which extended to 7/14/95, a very low number of salmonids were trapped. Non-salmonids dominated the fish samples in Supply Creek in 1995 with few Chinook and steelhead juveniles captured. AMMOC is ammocoetes or Pacific lamprey larvae. The data were collected by the Hoopa Tribal Fisheries Department. See the Source Table for complete records including flow, water temperature, and time trap was operated.
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