Area |
Lower Klamath/Basin-wide |
Topic |
Fish: Basin-wide Chinook (Fall) 1978-2002 |
Caption: The chart above shows fall Chinook spawner escapement to the Klamath Basin, including the Trinity River from 1978 to 2002. Fish spawning naturally outside hatcheries are shown in blue while light green bars show those spawned at Iron Gate or Trinity Hatchery. The threshold of 30,000 fish shown above is the target floor for wild fall Chinook salmon escapement. Estimates of natural spawners may be inflated by hatchery fish straying to spawn in reaches of the mainstem Trinity and Klamath and into Bogus Creek. Data supplied by the California Department of Fish and Game from the annual Klamath Basin Fall Chinook Spawner Escapement, In-river Harvest and Run-size Estimate. See Info Links for more information.
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