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KRIS Gualala : Picture Page
Area | Wheatfield |
Topic | Tour: CDFG Danfield Creek CDFG Photos 2001 |
This picture shows a low gradient riffle with little shelter for fish in Danfield Creek, a tributary of the Wheatfield Fork Gualala. Particle size on the stream bed is large cobble but banks lack vegetation and are subject to erosion. The photo was taken during habitat typing surveys in 2001. Photo provided courtesy of the California Department of Fish and Game, North Coast Watershed Assessment Program. CDFG information below:
HU #113
H2O 68oF
Low gradient riffle [1.1]
Shelter value=1
This picture also shows a low gradient riffle with little shelter for fish on Danfield Creek, a tributary of the Wheatfield Fork Gualala. Cattle grazing in stream side areas has retarded riparian recovery. The photo was taken during habitat typing surveys in 2001. Photo provided courtesy of the California Department of Fish and Game, North Coast Watershed Assessment Program. CDFG information below:
HU #120
H2O 68oF
Low gradient riffle [1.1]
Shelter value=1
This picture shows a log jam above a pool on Danfield Creek, a tributary of the Wheatfield Fork Gualala. The photo was taken during habitat typing surveys in 2001. Photo provided courtesy of the California Department of Fish and Game, North Coast Watershed Assessment Program. CDFG information below:
HU #117
H2O 68oF
Shelter value=2
Log jam above pool
LDA 7ft high, 45ft wide, 20ft long
Sediment retention 24ft long, 35ft wide, 7ft deep
Size: fines, sand, gravel
#LWD-7>1ft diameter
Water flows through, plus a 2ft step at bottom into pool. Not fish-barrier
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