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Walker Creek |
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Fish: 1975 Electrofishing and Seine Juv Salmonid Catch by Reach |
Caption: The graph shows the salmonid catch from electrofishing and netting with a seine conducted by Don W. Kelley for the Marin Municipal Water District during July 23 to 25, 1975. The majority of steelhead trout and coho salmon caught were less than 19 cm; however four steelhead trout were between 19 cm and 28 cm. Kelley notes that neither steelhead trout nor coho salmon were found below the upper end of tidewater (approximately 1.5 miles above Highway One) or in the unshaded reaches of the stream. California roach, riffle sculpin, rough sculpin, and three-spine stickleback were common in certain reaches and Pacific lamprey young were common for several miles above tidewater. See Info Links for more information.
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