Area |
S Marin/Redwood Creek |
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Flow: Redwood Creek Preferred Flows for Salmonids 1983 |
Caption: Preferred flows for spawning and rearing of coho salmon and steelhead trout in Redwood Creek were determined by the California Department of Fish and Game (Snider, 1984) using the Toe-Width Method (TWM). Flows were determined by reach (see Picture tab). Reach 1 is not included because it did not meet the methods criteria. The author estimated that the minimum preferred rearing flows for coho salmon (8 cfs) and steelhead trout (12 cfs) would occur less than 25% and 18% of the time respectively. The maximum (31 cfs) preferred spawning flow for coho salmon would be exceeded about 10% of the time while the minimum (22 cfs) would not be met 18% of the time. However, the Snider (1984) also noted that significantly lower flows than these have been shown to sustain salmonid spawning and rearing. See Info Links for more information and a link to report.
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