Area |
S Marin/Redwood Creek |
Topic |
Fish: Redwood Creek/Big Lagoon Abundance (Fish/m^2) 1995 |
Caption: The graph shows juvenile salmonid density estimates from snorkel counts for Big Lagoon in 1995. All of the coho were young-of-the-year and less than 35 cm. Small numbers of steelhead trout >1+ years were found in this survey, as well as during electrofishing surveys in February of the same year. All of these steelhead were found in waters deeper than approximately 1 meter that contained rubble cover. In addition to coho salmon and steelhead trout, threespine sticklebacks were also seen at an approximate density of 0.59 on 10/31/1995. Although not quantified, topsmelt, Pacific staghorn sculpin, and striped bass were also observed. Note that the Lagoon's mouth was open on 3/1/1995 and 3/30/1995, and was closed on 10/31/1995. Data were collected by the Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
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