Area |
Stemple Creek |
Topic |
WQ: Ammonia (Un-ionized) in Stemple Creek 1990-2001 |
Caption: Water quality parameters have been measured in an on-going program by the California Department of Fish and Game in various watersheds in Marin and Sonoma counties from 1991-2002. The graph shows yearly minimum, average, and maximum un-ionized ammonia measurements in Stemple Creek from 1990-2001. The reference value represents the maximum North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB) TMDL threshold (0.025 mg/L) to be met by 2004 whenever and wherever the aquatic habitat is suitable for salmonid migration, rearing, and spawning in the watershed (Salisbury, 1997). See Map for monitoring locations and Info Links for more information.
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wq_marinsonoma_cdfg_raw_1991_2002.xls.db (size 380,928 bytes)