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KRIS West Marin-Sonoma: Chart Source Table Page
Area | Drakes Bay |
Topic | Aquatic Invertebrates: Drakes Bay Tributaries Pct Dominant Taxa 1999 |
Caption: The Source Table invert_pore_sum_1999.xls.db shows mean metrics with associated Russian River Index of Biological Integrity (RRIBI) scores, as well as total RRIBI, for benthic macroinvertebrates collected at several locations in Olema Creek and Drakes Bay tributaries. Data were collected by the Point Reyes National Seashore during fall 1999 and the insects were identified by Jon Lee Consulting. The abbreviations in the columns are TAXARICH = Taxa Richness, EPTTAXA = EPT Taxa, MODEPTINDEX = Modified EPT Index, PCTDOM = Percent Dominant Taxa, SHANNON = Shannon's Diversity Index. See Info Links for more information. Note that descriptive locations for Home Ranch Creek were not available when data were integrated into KRIS.
50 rows of a possible 373 have been displayed.
Lagunitas Creek | Olema Creek | OL6 | Above Blue Line Creek Confluence | 28.3 | 3 | 14 | 3 | 34.9 | 3 | 36.2 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 2.3 | 3 | 18 |
Lagunitas Creek | Olema Creek | OL5 | Just above Five Brooks Bridge (north) | 24 | 1 | 13.3 | 3 | 52.3 | 3 | 49.8 | 1 | 3.1 | 3 | 1.8 | 1 | 12 |
Lagunitas Creek | Olema Creek | OL4 | At Truttman Gulch | 30 | 3 | 15.7 | 3 | 41.5 | 3 | 20.7 | 3 | 3.2 | 3 | 2.6 | 3 | 18 |
Lagunitas Creek | Olema Creek | OL3 | Above Vedanta Bridge | 28.3 | 3 | 13.7 | 3 | 20.8 | 3 | 22.8 | 3 | 4.3 | 3 | 2.7 | 3 | 18 |
Lagunitas Creek | Olema Creek | OL2 | Just below Bear Valley Rd Bridge | 25.3 | 1 | 12 | 3 | 29.9 | 3 | 36.6 | 3 | 4.2 | 3 | 2.2 | 3 | 16 |
Lagunitas Creek | Olema Creek | OL1 | Below Stewart Flat | 26.3 | 3 | 9.3 | 1 | 20.1 | 3 | 28.7 | 3 | 3.8 | 3 | 2.4 | 3 | 16 |
Drakes Bay | Muddy Hollow Creek | DE6 | Adjacent to pumphouse {downstream} | 22 | 1 | 11.3 | 1 | 26.2 | 3 | 32.8 | 3 | 4.1 | 3 | 2.1 | 1 | 12 |
Drakes Bay | Muddy Hollow Creek | DE5 | 500 meters above road crossing {upstream} | 26.3 | 3 | 12.3 | 3 | 28 | 3 | 25.5 | 3 | 4.5 | 3 | 2.5 | 3 | 18 |
Drakes Bay | Home Ranch Creek | DE4 | - | 22.3 | 1 | 11 | 1 | 21.4 | 3 | 30.5 | 3 | 4.1 | 3 | 2.2 | 1 | 12 |
Drakes Bay | Home Ranch Creek | DE3 | - | 18 | 1 | 5.7 | 1 | 11.2 | 1 | 49.3 | 1 | 6 | 1 | 1.6 | 1 | 6 |
Drakes Bay | Schooner Creek | DE2 | Mt Vision Road Crossing {upstream} | 28 | 3 | 12 | 3 | 12.8 | 1 | 37.6 | 3 | 5.7 | 1 | 2.2 | 1 | 12 |
Drakes Bay | Schooner Creek | DE1 | Below Sir Francis Drake Blvd Crossing (Rogers Ranch) {downstream} | 22.7 | 1 | 7.3 | 1 | 12.3 | 1 | 25.5 | 3 | 5.5 | 1 | 2.3 | 3 | 10 | |