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KRIS West Marin-Sonoma: Chart Table Page

Area Regional
Topic Fish: Presence/Absence of Coho in W. Marin-Sonoma 1988-1999

Caption:  The Chart Table fish_cohopres_wmarin_dfg_88_02.dbf was derived from the Source Table fish_cohopres_ncoast_dfg_88_02.dbf. It shows the presence/absence of coho salmon young-of-the-year in streams in the KRIS West Marin-Sonoma project area for the years 1998-2002. This chart contains data for all the streams listed as known historically to harbor coho salmon in a draft California Department of Fish and Game database, but there are likely other historical coho streams that are not included in this list. Absence data are provisional pending more extensive study, because coho may exist in some streams but only occur in some years or may have resided in other reaches of streams not surveyed. See Info Links for more information. A key to column headings: NOAA = Unique ID in the CDFG database that links data to the NOAA Fisheries Database (this database is listed in north-south, upstream order), Geo_Region = Regions chosen to make KRIS charts, Stream_Nam = Name of a stream, as it appears in the CDFG database, Watershed1 = Largest watershed (other than Pacific Ocean) to which the stream drains, Watershed2 = Tributary to which the stream drains before entering Watershed1, Watershed3 = Tributary to which the stream drains before entering Watershed2, Watershed4 = Tributary to which the stream drains before entering Watershed3, PA_YYYY = For all surveys (vast majority of streams have only 1 survey per year) in the year YYYY were coho young-of-the-year observed or collected (P = presence) or not (A = Absence), Num_Samples = Number of years between 1988-2002 have a P or A in the fields PA_1998 to PA_2002, Num_Pres = Number of years between 1988-2002 in which Coho YOY were present, Num_Abs = Number of years between 1988-2002 in which Coho YOY were absent, Pct_Pres = Percent of years surveyed in which Coho YOY were present, Pct_Abs = Percent of years surveyed in which Coho YOY were absent, Pres_8802 = For the years between 1988-2002 in which surveys were conducted, were coho YOY were present in some years ("Sometimes"), all years ("Always"), or never present ("Never"), NSamp_8899 = Number of years between 1988-1999 have a P or A in the fields PA_1998 to PA_1999, Npres_8899 = Number of years between 1988-1999 in which Coho YOY were present, Nabs_8899 = Number of years between 1988-1999 in which Coho YOY were absent, Ppres_8899 = Percent of years surveyed in which Coho YOY were present, Pabs_8899 = Percent of years surveyed in which Coho YOY were absent, Pres_8899 = For the years between 1988-1999 in which surveys were conducted were coho YOY were present in some years ("Sometimes") all years ("Always") or never present ("Never"), NSamp_0002 = Number of years between 2000-2002 have a P or A in the fields PA_2000 to PA_2002, Npres_0002 = Number of years between 2000-2002 in which Coho YOY were present, Nabs_0002 = Number of years between 2000-2002 in which Coho YOY were absent, Ppres_0002 = Percent of years surveyed in which Coho YOY were present, Pabs_0002 = Percent of years surveyed in which Coho YOY were absent, Pres_0022 = For the years between 2000-2002 in which surveys were conducted were coho YOY were present in some years ("Sometimes") all years ("Always") or never present ("Never"), GNIS = Geographic Names Information System code, an ID linking the data to the national GNIS register, Brwn_Moyle = Indicates (Y/N) if a stream was on the list of Brown and Moyle streams, HAS = Hydrologic Sub Area, RBUAS = Code for the Hydrologic Sub Area, PNMCD = Unique ID stream code that links data to EPA 1:100,000 scale hydrography, Arbit_ID = Arbitrary unique ID stream code that links the data for some streams in Sonoma and Marin Counties to CDF 1:24,000 scale hydrography, LLID = Unique ID stream code that links data to CDF 1:24,000 scale hydrography, LLID 2 = Unique ID stream code that links data to CDF 1:24,000 scale hydrography.

 50 rows of a possible 373 have been displayed.
385Scotty CreekSonoma CoastScotty Creek-----------A----A-2020100Never1010100Never1010100Never232742YSalmon Creek111510830241837---
386Salmon CreekSonoma CoastSalmon Creek----------A-----A-2020100Never1010100Never1010100Never232281YSalmon Creek11151018010111004---
387Finley CreekSonoma CoastSalmon CreekFinley Creek----------A----A-2020100Never1010100Never1010100Never223507YSalmon Creek1115106011290---
388Coleman Valley CreekSonoma CoastSalmon CreekColeman Valley Creek----------A----A-2020100Never1010100Never1010100Never221373YSalmon Creek1115106006990---
389Fay CreekSonoma CoastSalmon CreekFay Creek---------A-----A-2020100Never1010100Never1010100Never-YSalmon Creek111510830241847---
390Tannery CreekSonoma CoastSalmon CreekTannery Creek---------AA----A-3030100Never2020100Never1010100Never236018YSalmon Creek1115106035197---
392Walker CreekWestern MarinWalker Creek-----------A----A-2020100Never1010100Never1010100Never255208YWalker Creek22011218050005007---
393Salmon CreekWestern MarinWalker CreekSalmon Creek----------A----A-2020100Never1010100Never1010100Never232280YWalker Creek2201126028065---
394Arroyo Sausal CreekWestern MarinWalker CreekArroyo Sausal Creek-----------------0----No data0----No data0----No data254577YWalker Creek220112PVA96062001---
395Lagunitas CreekWestern MarinLagunitas Creek---P-P--PPPPPPPPPP121201000Always9901000Always3301000Always254865YLagunitas Creek22011318050005003---
396Haggerty Gulch CreekWestern MarinLagunitas CreekHaggerty Gulch Creek----------A------1010100Never1010100Never0----No data224778-Lagunitas Creek220113870135910---
397Olema CreekWestern MarinLagunitas CreekOlema Creek---------P--P--PP4401000Always2201000Always2201000Always234410YLagunitas Creek2201136032125---
398Quarry GulchWestern MarinLagunitas CreekOlema CreekQuarry Gulch-----------P----1101000Always1101000Always0----No data--Lagunitas Creek220113870135921---
399Giacomini CreekWestern MarinLagunitas CreekOlema CreekGiacomini Creek-----------P----1101000Always1101000Always0----No data--Lagunitas Creek220113-Giacomini Gulch--
400Unnamed trib (=Blueline Creek)Western MarinLagunitas CreekOlema CreekUnnamed trib (=Blueline Creek)-----------P--AP32166.733.3Sometimes1101000Always2115050Sometimes--Lagunitas Creek220113870135918---
401Randall GulchWestern MarinLagunitas CreekOlema CreekRandall Gulch----------------0----No data0----No data0----No data--Lagunitas Creek220113-Randall Gulch--
402Nicasio CreekWestern MarinLagunitas CreekNicasio Creek----------P----A-2115050Sometimes1101000Always1010100Never229534YLagunitas Creek22011318050005004---
403Cheda CreekWestern MarinLagunitas CreekCheda Creek-----------------0----No data0----No data0----No data--Lagunitas Creek220113-Cheda Creek--
404Devils Gulch CreekWestern MarinLagunitas CreekDevils Gulch Creek--P-P--PPPPPPPPPP121201000Always9901000Always3301000Always222308YLagunitas Creek220113870135937---
405San Geronimo CreekWestern MarinLagunitas CreekSan Geronimo Creek--P-A--PPPPPPPPPP1211191.78.3Sometimes98188.911.1Sometimes3301000Always232400YLagunitas Creek2201136028254---
405Montezuma CreekWestern MarinLagunitas CreekSan Geronimo CreekMontezuma Creek---------------P1101000Always0----No data1101000Always--Lagunitas Creek220113-Montezuma Creek--
406Larsen CreekWestern MarinLagunitas CreekSan Geronimo CreekLarsen Creek----------------0----No data0----No data0----No data--Lagunitas Creek220113-Larsen Creek--
407Arroyo Road CreekWestern MarinLagunitas CreekSan Geronimo CreekArroyo Road Creek----------------0----No data0----No data0----No data--Lagunitas Creek220113-Arroyo Rd Creek--
408Woodacre CreekWestern MarinLagunitas CreekSan Geronimo CreekWoodacre Creek----------------0----No data0----No data0----No data--Lagunitas Creek220113-Woodacre Creek--
410Easkoot CreekWestern MarinBolinas LagoonEaskoot Creek------------AAAAP5142080Sometimes2020100Never31233.366.7Sometimes--Bolinas220130-Easkoot Creek--
411Pine Gulch CreekWestern MarinBolinas LagoonPine Gulch Creek---------A-A---AP4132575Sometimes2020100Never2115050Sometimes234476YBolinas2201306032241---
412Redwood CreekWestern MarinRedwood Creek-------PPPPPPP-PPP101001000Always7701000Always3301000Always231428YBolinas220130870135997---
413Kent Creek (=Kent Canyon)Western MarinRedwood CreekKent Creek (=Kent Canyon)-----------------0----No data0----No data0----No data--Bolinas220130870135998---
414Fern CreekWestern MarinRedwood CreekFern Creek-----------------0----No data0----No data0----No data223451-Bolinas2201306011195---

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To download the table with the chart's data, click fish_cohopres_wmarin_dfg_88_02.dbf (size 347,714 bytes) .
To view the table with the chart's source data, click Source Table web page.
To download the table with the chart's source data, click fish_cohopres_ncoast_dfg_88_02.dbf (size 347,714 bytes)